Our Piano Intro, Goals and Links
My Mom (Marion) has an upright piano in her guest bedroom. Marion likes playing it when she is able. We would love to be able to spend the time on it needed to learn to play from her, alas she lives in Myrtle Creek (below Roseburg, OR) and what time we spend there is used to visit and do chores. I plan and will love learning to play the piano and guitar in the new world.
When I was a kid my parents brought home from the Good Will a reed air organ that I enjoyed playing impromptu melody's on. Years went by and I did get a decent keyboard in the early 90's that I did not spend enough time on and alas I had since given it away to a Friend. After I had an opportunity to play on Marion's upright piano in 2017 I expressed an interest in piano to my guitar buddy Jay. Jay brought over an extra keyboard he had for us to play. I have been practicing on the keyboard, playing both the melody of "Christian Dedication" and a simplified melody to 'Greensleeves' from the Piano Video Lessons(PLV) course.
I followed the PLV course for almost a year but changed finances led me to stop. If finances change and I continue to progress, I would more likely save it for a digital Piano rather than restart the course.
My legs are a real hindrance to playing regularly but but did just put a pad Kathy made me on my piano bench that help slightly . I have a LOT of neurological leg pain and foggy headedness and this makes it hard to concentrate on practice especially in the sitting up position. On my short eMedia 61 keyboard I am also sometimes able to use it from my reclining chair so can have my legs up. Not ideal for sure, but one does what they must. Often even with my legs up it is hard to concentrate on practice, concentrating alone on anything (studying, concentrating, reading) causes more pain in of itself. I look forward to being without pain and learning to play better, and adding even more instruments soon under Christs Kingdom rule.
Continue practice on "Christian Dedication" - The main song we used on our wedding day that we have a real soft spot for.
To have 3 goal songs in my repertoire. Does not have to be perfect, just enjoyable enough for listeners ears to enjoy. So far I am working on 'Christian Dedication' and a simplified 'Greensleeves'. Two songs down 1 to go.
10 flingers, 88 keyz, no pr0b|emn. The actual phrase is "10 fingers, 88 keys, no problem" but my fingers have another perspective on that. For me it is actually 9.75 fligers but at any rate, my goal is to keep up the practice as able.
I have told myself when I can play the melodies of three songs and play then regularly, I will let myself purchase a real Digital Piano. I have been drooling over a used second-up from entry level Yamaha Digital Piano(YDP)-115, P-121 or P-125. It is all hope err.. a dream purchase. This Yamaha Digital P-series main weakness is that the digital note samples are stretched over 29 keys and quite noticeable to discerning ears. So far my ears are not that discerning and that is fine with me at this point. I just cannot see getting a better piano than a used YD P-series at $379-$399 that are regularly available at the Guitar Center. If finances change I will probably save for a digital piano rather than re-start the 'Piano Video Lessons' course again. At this point I have not been able to learn enough and play often enough to warrant a real Piano because of my limitations.
Pianos I have played:
An air reed organ my Mom got from Goodwill as a child.
One I purchased in the early 90's but never got serious about and gave away. It probably was a 71 key synthesized keyboard.
I had a chance to practice on Marion's(Mom-in Law) Kohler & Campbell upright console piano 1982- 780000 41" Satin Walnut piano on April 29, 2017. After over a couple dozen run throughs of 'Christian Dedication' and several recording try's I did ok. See thumbnail to right>
Currently I am using a starter 'EMedia 61 key' synthesized piano. (See below and thumbnail on right). I hope to one day to play well and often enough to warrant a true digital piano such as a Yamaha Digital P-115(Discontinued), P-121(73 key) or P-125. The shorter and lighter 73 key YD P-121 would be an ideal size for me.
Quick Links:
My current eMedia 61 keyboard(see below) Jay L. gave us to use. See Our eMeda 61 key Keyboard: section just below.
and Our Piano Equipment and dreams.
This page shows my previous Piano Video Lessons(PVL) Course Progress I followed for almost a year.
Section updated Nov. 28, 2018

Our 61 key eMedia KB outside during the summer of 2017
My Current 61-key eMeda Keyboard:
After seeing our interest in learning to play, Jay L. brought us over a 61-key eMedia keyboard for us to practice on. With some work we made a place for it to live inside our small place.
I have had it outside one summer in 2017 to play under our porch. I put a large thick bath towel over it when not in use to protect it from dust and any night moisture.
We set up a RAM Camera Mount for making progress videos on the KB . I attached the RAM mount to an extra music stand, see blog post. It is now attached directly to my Piano table along with a lamp that shines on my music.
Will I ever get a KB longer than 61 keys? I have chosen not to spend money on a KB quite yet. If I get to the point I need more than 61 keys to play my music and we have the funding THEN we may consider a used Yamaha P-115, P-121(73 key) or P-125.
Link to more of 'Our Piano Equipment' here: ۶◔ ͜ ◔۶ ( ͡ ° ͜ʖ͡° ) ͡° ͜໒ ͡° 𝄢
Section updated Nov. 28, 2018
Piano Links
Paul's Links:
Link to more of 'Our Piano Equipment' here: ۶◔ ͜ ◔۶ ( ͡ ° ͜ʖ͡° ) ͡° ͜໒ ͡° 𝄢
Read TL, DR or in other words, may be more than you want to know about this hobby of mine.
I started this in Nov. 2018 to replace my PVL course page that was using was getting huge and slow to load. I am also no longer paying for that course although I still have the materials. I am learning its basic version of 'Greensleeves' from it.
I post occasional updates on our music hobby.
PianoWorld.com - Paul's posts on this piano forum.
Piano Video Lessons Course Links:
Due to finances, I am no longer actively taking this course other than using its materials.
If finances change I will likely save it up for a digital piano.
Old Piano Practice Google doc with Progress Calendar & Course Practice Charts My daily Calendar and course Charts for the Piano Video Course progress are in this Google Document.
Paul's Piano PVL Practice Progress A page with Paul's progress updates while I was going through this course.
My PVL Piano Course Progress My page on this site showing the progress I have made with the PLV courses.
Piano Video Lessons.com Free Online Lessons Course Home Page
Piano Video Lesson.com Lesson page with Registered Course List
Patreon Posts and Community Piano Video Lessons support and community page. Special offers such as 3$ Patrons get ebook deals, $5 Patrons get early access to courses,
$10 Patrons are eligible in a monthly draw to win a personalized Piano Video Coaching session with the Teacher. I won one in July '17 and found her very helpful.
I took advantage of a special offer Bonus 15 minute live video lesson for November '17 for all $10 patrons. She was very encouraging and gave me some tips and encouragement to make my practice better. She had me continue what I was doing but move onto the next lesson.
$25 Patrons are eligible for 1 monthly 15 minute video call with the Teacher.
$50 Patrons are eligible for 2 monthly 15 minute video calls with the Teacher and 1 free .PDF Unit book a month.
YEAR 1 Piano Video Lessons Group A group to discuss Piano Video Lessons YEAR 1 course.
YouTube Piano Video Lessons Free Piano Video Lessons on Youtube (optional .pdf ebooks available)
Piano Video Lessons Google + G+ Social site
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