About Kathy
Whether you don't know me yet, or if you already know me, you are invited to get to know me a bit better. I am a servant of Jehovah and a wife. I look forward to a time of living without constant pain and having the health to do more to serve Jehovah in whatever way my new health in the new system provides me. I look forward to exploring many interests that I am not currently able to do. I look forward to having, Oh maybe, six children once this world is ready for them. One of the homes I would like to create would be a tree house. I would like to have a pond and stream below with a couple otters to take a dive with each morning and a telescope to peer through in the evenings. I look forward to traveling the earth and beyond with my Husband Paul.
Family and Moves
I was was raised by my parents in homes up and down the Oregon coast along with two Brothers Andy and Danny and my Sister Teresa. Our family moved frequently to follow available logging jobs.
I remember as a young child(3 yrs) looking up at the sky with my Brother Danny and saying "Jehovah is up there" this scared me because at that very moment I realized what I had just said, Yes, he is really up there. Wow!
For a while I lived in Eugene off Barger St. with my Mom Marion. On another visit to Eugene I saw Paul as a teen at the Allen's home on Royal Ave during a visit with Sherry (then)Cruse who is now awaiting her resurrection. Paul and Earl are friends with Sherry's Son Jay L. who is a Friend to the whole family to this day. Jay L. has enjoyed Music together as a hobby with Paul, both wish they could do it more but time and abilities' prevent.
I even lived up in Alaska as an adult for 11 years before moving back to Eugene for good where I once again met Paul. We knew each other for some 9 years before we decided to get to know each other better to the point he eventually became my Husband.
My Mother and my Brothers and some of their family members are also in the truth. I lost my Sister to cancer and I look forward to seeing Her in the new system during the resurrection. My Mother and Danny who I have also now lost to death and his Wife Judy lived in Tri-City. Andy and his wife live in Sutherlin OR. Because of health, distance and how busy this system keeps us just to survive to serve Jehovah, we do not get to see each other as often as we would like. We look forward to the time when we are able to spend more time together as a Family and see lost loved ones again. And create a Family of 6 of our own with Paul. But that will be a story for another time.
Sea otters, Swimming, Art, Painting, Pottery, Glass, Music, Paper making, Sci-Fi, Science, Astronomy, Space, Ham Radio(KD7PJW), Traveling and more. As my interests may tell you, I have much more I want to learn.
Painting, Sewing. Cooking, Nutritionist, Making bread, Hair cutting, Well... a Housewife, need I say more?
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