Long  Island  CW  Club  Page  1  Study History 

 Dec, 13 2019 - May 16, 2023

Helping make CW great again

Life Member #266


LICW Club Pin

A Pin of Morse the Tortoise, I bought is faster than the speed I learn at.

   The LICW Club teaches CW online using Zoom.com VOIP.  I found and joined to learn CW.

   If you want to take part please visit Long Island CW Club for details.  There you will find an Eastern Time calendar that is updated by LICW Club.

Morse Code Study Highlights Dec, 13 2019 - May 16, 2023

Beginners 1 CW Class Completion Certificate

I am doing ok at knowing not only the first 20 characters, but also most of the rest of the code, however am still having issues with receiving words.  I am now using an app called Morse Code Trainer for Ham Radio.   The app send words using Farnsworth word spacing unlike the previous apps I was using.

Beginners 1 Completion Certificate

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My  Google doc CW Study History Posts  from May 28 - Sept 6 2023

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I am currently using Morse Code World to receive, and a new Morserino I assembled to send. I almost always practice using head copy and do not write anything down as I know when I get a chr right or have to skip a character I do not recognize in a timely fashion.  In an actual QSO I would take needed notes. 

LICW Calendar of Classes and Events

Opens my LICW Agenda Calendar in local time zone