My Clubs, Pins & Wall Art

Because white walls are boring

of Oregon


LICW Club #266 - Nov. 14, 2019 - Helps hams learn morse code and get on the air.  LICW holds internet video conference classes for the beginner, intermediate and advanced levels on a weekly basis.  

Valley Radio Club  2020-Current - The Valley Radio Club of Oregon  located in Eugene, Oregon, was chartered in 1929, and is one of the oldest, continuously operated club stations in the United States.  It has been affiliated with the American Radio Relay League (ARRL) since 1932, and associated with the American Red Cross since 1951.  (VRC does not have member numbers.)

4SQRP Group - 4 State QRP Group #3586 Little radios, Big Fun!  Who is the 4 State qrp.Group.pdf

FISTS #19640 - Nov. 19, 2019 - FISTS is a well established and recognized CW (Morse Code) organization in the world of amateur radio founded in 1987. 

NAQCC #11432  -  Feb. 23, 2023 - North American QRP CW Club is to advance, promote, and pursue designing, information sharing, building, and operation of low power 

LIDSCW  #404 - Note: This members CW has caused a 404 error.  Solution: Practice code and give up HTML.  Dec 30, 2019 Welcome message on X   - Less Involved Data Society a ‘virtual’ radio club all about encouraging amateur radio operators to try something new, especially if it is CW.   LIDS is all about having a go.  Knowledge and experience will come.

ARRL # 10096622  Nov. 30, 23 - ARRL is a noncommercial organization of radio amateurs.  ARRL numbers within its ranks the vast majority of active radio amateurs in the nation and has a proud history of achievement as the standard-bearer in amateur affairs.  

SKCC # 21564 - Jan 5, 2020 - Straight Key Century Club encourages straight key use with awards.

A1 Club Blogspot #4485  - 8/28/2023 -  A1 CLUB is a community group who loves CW communication.  A1 CLUB was established in Oct.1998 and we have over 4485 members as of 8/28/2023.     JO1ZZZ is the headquarter club station located in Tokyo Japan. 

The Flying Pigs QRP Club, International, W8PIG  FP#-4842  -  W e' r e    h e r e    t o    h a v e    F U N !  No Dues, No Rules, Just Fun - and if we don't like it we fix it!  We strive to promote the art, skill and fun of low power Amateur Radio Communications to our fellow Amateur Radio Operators.  We also strive to promote the homebrewing of Amateur Radio Equipment to the same. 

Feldhell #6375 - 2019 - HF digital mode for sending and receiving text using facsimile technology in which the characters are not decoded, but "painted" graphically on a screen for the operator to interpret.  A German engineer named Rudolf Hell, who patented this early method of facsimile in 1929.  Hellschreiber was the first successful direct printing text transmission system, and was very popular at a time when teleprinters were complex and expensive, because the Hell receiving mechanism had only two moving parts. 

Novice Rig Roundup  #1266 - July 2024 - Novice Rig Roundup (NRR) is an annual 9-day operating event celebrating the old Novice type equipment, and operating restrictions, of over 60 years ago. Each March we put our nostalgic stations on the air to make contacts with each other, and anyone else that cares to join in. NRR is focused on the days of 75 watts input at the plate and crystal controlled transmitters - however, ALL stations are welcome. 

Other Mode Identities: DMR: # 3135605 GMRS Call: WQYS231 XYL: Kathy KD7PJW

Patches and Pins

LICW #266


Long Island  - Want 2 Learn CW


We both got our Tech & General from Valley Radio Club.

of Oregon

Valley Radio Club

I try to keep my membership up to help w/ their repeater.

Hat pins for an OM hat

I do not belong to the Emerald Amateur Radio Society, but K7VIQ did get his Extra there.

A tortoise tapping Morse code quick,

Can learn faster than my brain can click. 

By: K7VIQ and the Bard 11/11/23

I bought the pin from: Doodle Stitch Art

In reality this virtual wall has more room than our shack wall. 

However both have the same wallpaper.

Another (rather blank) shack document that we should display is: 


Ham Wall Art

I hope to one day have my first QSO, perhaps with a LICW member.

I was a regular attender of the Beginers-1 class

I finished Beginners-1, but  I got no further as Beginners-2 was too fast.

I was the first LICW member from Oregon

ARRL    #10096622 - 11-30-23 - ARRL is a noncommercial organization of radio amateurs. ARRL numbers within its ranks the vast majority of active radio amateurs in the nation and has a proud history of achievement as the standard-bearer in amateur affairs.  

North American QRP Club

Straight Only Key Club

For Morse/CW newbies

Motto: Leave no op behind


Paul Allen

Member #404

This member's CW has caused a 404 error.

Solution: Practice more CW and give up HTML code.

  10:53 AM · Dec 30, 2019  - Less Involved Data Society a ‘virtual’ radio club all about encouraging amateur radio operators to try something new, especially if it is CW.  

LIDS is all about having a go.  Knowledge and experience will come.

Virtual Online Hamvention during Covid

Sending images over the air sound fun and useful.

Parks on the Air POTA ARRL Course Completion

No Dues, No Rules, Just Fun - and if we don't like it we fix it! 

Ham License Copies

 Official and a collection decorative license form versions provided by various Ham sites on the web

K7VIQ Extra Ham Licence.pdf

Ham Radio Licence -Official

WQYS231 GMRS Licence.pdf

GWRS Radio Licence - Official

Decorative_FCC_license-certificate-Color Printer

A few more decorative licenses' designed by Hams.

The  K8ZT’s Google Doc fancy certificate

and the AE7Q License Generator

AE7Q._dot_com_Amateur Radio License.pdf

Decorative wall license - I have lost the source of this version.

My XYL Kathy KD7PJW - Decorative wall license

QRZ Decorative Wall License


My QSL Card Designs

First QSO to KB7SYB.  He never verified it so does not show up in my list at eQSL.  So technically no proof it never happened, But I will never forget.  

eQSL provides virtual QSL cards to share with other Hams after a QSO

Up to date and ready at eQSL, I've never had  occasion to send to  a contact after a QSO on the  air.

Prototype of next QSL card to use after I actually use code on air

Information out of date.

Information out of date.

Leave No - For the Love of the Outdoors

Leave No Trace 101 Course - Principles of outdoor ethics .PDF

This is an introduction to Leave No Trace and the actions we can collectively take to protect our planet. In this course we share helpful information with a simple framework of minimum impact practices to apply when spending time outdoors. 

Plan ahead and prepare,  Travel and Camp on durable surfaces,  Minimize campfire impacts,  Respect wildlife,  Be considerate of other visitors.  Leave No Trace Certificate

Student: Paul Allen

School: Leave No Trace

Course: Leave No Trace 101 Course

Certificate ID: oaojsr6yvc

Issued:2024-11-21 Expires:No expiry date

Leave No - For the Love of the Outdoors

This course covers essential information for a minimally impactful trip into the backcountry. Join us and learn the skills and insights for remote outdoor areas! Students are encouraged to take the Leave No Trace 101 Course prior to enrollment. 

Plan ahead and prepare,  Travel and Camp on durable surfaces,  Minimize campfire impacts,  Respect wildlife,  Be considerate of other visitors.  

Student: Paul Allen

School: Leave No Trace

Course: Leave No Trace Backcountry Course

Certificate ID: ohjynuk3nn

Issued:2024-11-21 Expires:No expiry date

Ham Wordplay

It takes a know code Ham to know a Dit from a dah

The Career of a Ham

K7VIQ with Extra Ham

All the ham you can stand in a can just full of Extra ham parts.  Improved from being Technically ham, to Generally a ham to now 92% Extra Ham.  Tested and passed by 3 accredited volunteer ham examiners.   Ingredients: (92% Ham, More ham, Ham parts, Ham bone, Spam parts; 8% spurious products)   Repacked 3/30/2019.  Needs refreshed after 3/13/2027. 

A tortoise tapping Morse code quick,

Can learn faster than my brain can click. 

By: K7VIQ and the Bard 11/11/23

Pin I bought is by: Doodle Stitch Art

K7VIQ Summary of POTA & SOTA Tri-Fold Leaflet

K7VIQ Summary of POTA & SOTA Tri-Fold Tract